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Container List

When you open the Containers section in a node, it displays the list of all the containers on that node. This is similar to running docker ps -a command.

The ports are displayed as links wherever the container port is mapped to the host port. You can click such ports to open the HTTP URL for that container.

Note on Port URLs

In cases when the port is mapped to all host IP addresses, the IP address is displayed as or :: and Dokemon will not know which IP to use to form the URL. In such cases Dokemon defaults to the using the base URL from the Dokemon Server URL, which may or may not be correct.

To work around this problem you can map the ports to a specific IP instead of mapping to all ports. For example, use -p instead or -p 8080:8080 to map to only.

If you do not wish to follow the above workaround you can use the Edit Base URL button to set the base URL for such containers which are bound to all IP addresses.

Container Image Staleness Status

To the left of the container name you will find a small circular indicator which denotes whether you are running the latest version of the image for your containers. Different colours indicate the below statuses:

  • Green: You are running the latest version of the image.
  • Red: New image is available.
  • Gray: There was an issue while checking if a new image is available.
  • Amber: Check is pending. The staleness check is performed once every hour and it can take about an hour to update the status.

Start, Stop, Restart, Delete

On each row in the table, you have buttons to start, stop, restart and delete the container.

Note that the delete operation is a forced delete, same as running docker rm -f <containerid> on the CLI.


If you click on the container row you will be able to view the container logs. The logs are streamed over websockets which means anything added to the logs will be displayed immediately. You do not need to refresh the page to get the latest output.

In future versions, we will add options to choose the period of logs and to allow downloading logs to a file.


The terminal opens an sh session on the container. If you prefer to use bash or other shells you can execute those shells from within sh. Currently there is no option to directly start other shells.

Note that not all containers include a shell binary. In such cases, you will see an error in the terminal similar to OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: unable to start container process: exec: "sh": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown


Can I start new containers

Currently we do not support running new containers directly. We only support running new containers via Compose.

What about multiselecting rows, filtering, sorting

These features are under development and will be released in a few weeks.
