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Compose Library

What is Compose Library

Dokemon can be used to manage multiple servers. It is likely that you will deploy the same compose definition to multiple servers. In such cases you can store your compose definition in the Compose Library so that it can be shared across mutliple nodes.

Inside your Node > Compose section you can click Add From Library button to add a compose project from the Compose Library.

Note that Compose Library projects can only be edited from the Compose Library page. You cannot edit the compose definition of a library project from within the Node.

Types of Projects

File System

You can create a compose definition by clicking the Create button. This compose definition is stored in /data/compose directory in the container.


You can add a compose definition from GitHub by clicking the Add from GitHub button. You can open your compose YAML file on GitHub and copy the URL from the browser and paste it into the form.

If you are using a private GitHub repository you will need to create a Personal Access Token on GitHub with read access to your repository.
